Tanzania is among the countries in the world with very high beekeeping potential. This potential is mainly due to the presence of a high population of bee colonies that are estimated at 9.2 million, and also due to the presence of high-quality vegetation that is preferred by honeybees in many areas of the country. The production potential of bee products in the country is about 138,000 tons of honey and 9,200 tons of beeswax per annum. However, production stands at only about 3.5% of the existing potential. READ MORE...

The next major project that is in the planning stage to assist women is the production of “rocket stoves.” The concept is to assist women to make and market the stoves providing both a small business and a significant improvement in the quality of life for the family.
This link outlines the concept.
“Rocket stoves” make a significant difference in the quality of life for women and children. The rocket stove reduces the amount of smoke which is the same issue as second-hand cigarette smoke in the family home. The rocket stove reduces the amount of wood that is required to be burned which reduces the amount of work that the women must do to collect the wood.

David Ndungu is an amazing artist. He carves and paints replicas of authentic birds of East Africa. Each carving is a unique creation. Provision Charitable Foundation has imported birds on his behalf, and we are attempting to develop his market as he has limited resources and no access to the market.
"My name is David Ndungu. I am married to one wife, am a Christian and we love Jesus. I have two children, a boy, and a girl. I started this art after dropping out of school due to a lack of money. I joined my brother in carving and painting birds in authentic natural colour. We carve from pruned jacaranda tree branches to save the environment. The birds are as close to alive as we can make them."